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Eastern Fiddler Ray

The Eastern Fiddler Ray belongs to the family Rhinobatidae. This species of rays can be found on the eastern and southern coast of Australia, dwelling in various areas (shallow waters, sandy flats, rocky reefs, and seagrass beds).

The Fiddler ray is a type of guitarfish. A guitarfish is known for having an elongated body with a flattened triangular head and trunk, small ray-like fins, and long tail. The Fiddler ray is a beautiful species of ray. On top, they are a yellow to brown color with this very distinctive pattern of white stripes. Surrounding the stripes are areas that are black to brown, allowing the white to stand out ever so lightly.

Their flattened pectoral fins are shorter and more rounded than the guitarfish and their slender tails has 2 triangular dorsal fins on top. Although their tails do not have spines on them, they have tooth-like projections that grow midline on their body (helps with protection).

Since the fiddler ray likes to eat bottom dwelling invertebrates, their pectoral fins have adapted this undulating motion that allows them to hunt the sandy bottoms gracefully and swiftly for food (especially with their mouths being underneath them).


Did you know that members of this family (Rhinobatidae) have been found in fossil records? You can date them back to the Jurassic period!

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