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Atlantic Puffin

Updated: Nov 14, 2021

The Atlantic Puffin is what we call a marine bird, belonging in the family Alcidae. Found in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Puffin can mostly be seen on the Westman Island, Iceland. Although they have a large population and a wide range where they can live, this species has declined rapidly in other areas they use to inhabit, resulting in it being rated as vulnerable by the IUCN. Atlantic puffins can be described having a black crown and black, pale grey cheek patches, with white underparts. They have a broad beak that is boldly marked with red and black, contrasted with its orange legs. Puffins spend majority of their lives at sea and only come in land to breed. These marine birds have the ability to fly like the birds we see around us, but also the ability to dive in the water and use their wings for propulsion while hunting. Interesting thing about the puffin is that it molts it’s feathers. In the winter, you will notice their bright-colored facial characteristics become lost and turn a dull grey color. It is not until spring time that we see these beautiful bright colors come back in.



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