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Krill belongs to the family Euphausiidae, a group of small marine crustaceans. This creature is found in oceans all over the world. The name "krill '' comes from the Norwegian word that means "small fry of fish ''. The krill is a tiny 2-inch (about the size of a paper clip) invertebrate that feeds on phytoplankton while the sun's rays and carbon dioxide help the krill to live. This creature is considered on the bottom of the food chain, yet very important. As little as they may be, and require the minimum to retain life, they are extremely important to a lot of animals. Those animals that are filter feeders, like the manta ray in one of the pictures, are filtering on krill which is their main source of food.

Small as they may be, we do need this small creature to keep the food web together. Though it may be at the bottom, it holds it altogether. When we pollute the ocean with plastic, they too consume the plastic, then are consumed by other animals, causing a collapse in the system. Not to mention the overfishing of krill causing a decrease in available food for those animals that need it.

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